Sometimes your clients need to get an overview of who’s getting all the mails for the various distribution groups they’ve had you create. Sometimes they forget who’s been added or removed. I use this script to give them an up-to-date view of where the mail is going.
Basically, we query Active Directory for groups that have an email address. After iterating for members, we do a look up to get the common name so that the user can be displayed properly. The output is a distribution group member listing, along with the email address and aliases of the groups themselves:
Option Explicit 'Declare our variables Dim adoLDAPCon, adoLDAPRS, strLDAP, strDomainName, objNetwork Dim strDN, objUser, colAddr, strAddr, objMember ' Grab the domain name Set objNetwork = CreateObject("Wscript.Network") strDomainName = objNetwork.UserDomain ' Create an ADO DB connection through ADSI to get a list of users and public folders Set adoLDAPCon = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") adoLDAPCon.Provider = "ADsDSOObject" adoLDAPCon.Open "ADSI" strLDAP = "'LDAP://" & strDomainName & "'" WScript.Echo "Getting mail addresses from " & strLDAP Set adoLDAPRS = adoLDAPCon.Execute("select ADsPath from " & strLDAP & _ " WHERE objectClass = 'group'") While Not adoLDAPRS.EOF strDN = adoLDAPRS.Fields("ADsPath").value Set objUser = GetObject(strDN) ' Only try to display if the object has "proxyAddresses" set If Not IsEmpty(objUser.proxyAddresses) Then colAddr = objUser.GetEx("proxyAddresses") For Each strAddr in colAddr strAddr = LCase(strAddr) If Left(strAddr, 5) = "smtp:" And Right(strAddr, 6) <> ".local" Then _ Wscript.Echo & ": " & Mid(strAddr, 6) Next End If If Not IsEmpty(objUser.member) Then colAddr = objUser.GetEx("member") For Each strAddr in colAddr strAddr = mid(strAddr, 4, InStr(strAddr, ",") - 4) Wscript.Echo " " & strAddr Next End If Set objUser = Nothing adoLDAPRS.MoveNext Wend adoLDAPRS.Close Set adoLDAPRS = Nothing Set adoLDAPCon = Nothing
Usually, I just run it like this:
C:\> cscript //nologo ShowGroup.vbs
Thanks, and let me know if you find this helpful.